Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Email from the Father . . .

I've been doing this blog for so long that I'm beginning to have trouble remembering if I've talked about certain things or certain people before. Anyway, there is an older priest who has a condo in my building, and who is also on the condo association's board, along with me and a couple of other characters. The Father appears to be gay (not that there's anything wrong with that), and sometimes his emails are just hysterical. Here is a recent one on the topic of changing our building's rock salt supply to a dog-friendly alternative:

FATHER: Hi Everyone:

I used to have a dog and when I would take him out in the snow I would always clean his paws after our walks.

I am in favor of this pet friendly de-icer if it does not cost more than our regular salt.

I would even be in favor of it more if it cost less than our regular salt!

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