Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Wasp update . . .

I am happy to report that the giant wasp was found today alive and well and still trying to get out of the closed windows of my condo. So, he did not suffer the fate of being a little doggie snack for Sidney. Although, given the size of the respective combatants, I'm not sure who would have won that battle. Once I found him, I simply opened the window, and the wasp gently stepped out of my condo and into the world outside, safe and sound.


Anonymous said...

Why is there an ad for "Handmade linen napkins" at the top of your blog?

Anonymous said...

There are many things we do not know about Dave...

Dave said...

I have no control over the ads that appear above my blog. Just click on them and make me rich.

Anonymous said...

The hail, the wasp, hot girl Friday??? Really, this is not up to your usual standard.