Sunday, March 7, 2010

Speaking of movies, on Oscar Sunday . . .

Today I finally reached a point in my life. I am ready to go to an afternoon movie by myself. And I was so excited that I was going to be able to go to a movie of my choosing on Oscar Sunday. But when I went to check the local theater listings, I found that there are NO MOVIES that I want to see. These are my choices:

Shutter Island (too scary)
Alice in Wonderland
Alice in Wonderland: in Disney Digital 3D
The Last Station
Crazy Heart
The Crazies
Brooklyn's Finest (possibly, but I don't like to go to a movie on its opening weekend in case it bombs)
Cop Out
Dear John
Valentine's Day

I guess all the good movies have moved on already. So, no movie for me today. But I'm ready. I just need a movie that I actually want to see.

Shortly after I wrote this post, I finally became the last person in America to join Netflix. The movies that I want to see are on their way right to my home. So much for a weekend afternoon at the movie theater.

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