Wednesday, March 24, 2010

DAVE: So, how are you feeling now that the health care bill was passed?

DAD: I am very pleased that the health care bill was passed and signed. I am not 100% happy with that bill, but it is better than not having a bill. I would have preferred Medicare for everyone, or at least the current bill with a public option. But it is good that the Democrats could pass something in the face of the crazy opposition from the Republicans and the tea party nuts. I believe that the Republicans should not be so smug about saying that this will destroy Obama and the Democrats in the mid-term elections. A lot can happen between now and November. The President will have time to explain the bill to the people and perhaps convince them that it is for their benefit. In November jobs and the employment situation will be more important than health care. If employment numbers improve, people will forget about health care; if they don't, the Democrats will be in trouble. Newt Gingrich said sometime ago that the health care bill will have the same effect as Johnson's passage of the Civil Rights Act: it will give the Republicans an electoral advantage for decades. The two pieces of legislation are not comparable. Health care will benefit more people than even the Civil Rights Act has. Furthermore, can anyone really say that passing the Civil Rights Act was not the right thing to do even given the strong opposition by the bigots? Sometimes you have to do what is right for the country even though it may not be the most popular thing at the time. A side note: Jason Altmire looks pretty stupid now. He will look even worse if he loses his election and many of those who voted for health care win.

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