Friday, August 29, 2008

I guess I stand corrected on my previous post.


Anonymous said...

Will appearances win over intelligence in this race? It may. People are more keen on how things look than what they are -- saves them trouble from actually thinking.

Despite her lack of experiences, she's good looking (something most politicians severely lack in) and female (to compete with the edginess of the democratic black candidate and win over the resentful Hillary voters).

Which means the robotic McCain may have pulled out an ace.

Anonymous said...

When one actually thinks about the Obama / Biden ticket, it's a wonder they can get any sleep at all. Yes, I guess you can say I'm not looking forward to a day when a man who can give a speech takes office, raises our taxes and more of my hard earned salary (in the low 100's) goes to those who don't want to work and all and foriegn policy goes to hell. Robotic or not, at least he'll keep up safe.