Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Wake up and smell the steroids

And while I'm thinking about Barry Bonds, dear readers, let me just say this. Pittsburgh sports fans pride themselves on their knowledge of their sports (read: football). However, there is one topic which never seems to get reconciled properly for those same fans (read: Yinzers). They cry and bemoan and gnash their teeth on the local sports talk shows about what a cheater Barry Bonds is because he may or may not have taken performance enhancing substances. And yet, they all seem to turn a cataract-ridden eye to the Steelers of the 1970s. If they don't think that some of the big men from their beloved Super Steelers and their four Super Bowls didn't take steroids or the like, then they're just plain stupid. They did, folks. Sorry. I know we don't like to talk about that around here because of how revered those teams and the players on them were, but there is plenty of information out there to suggest that they did. Sure, there's no quantitative evidence of that. But then again, the same is true thus far for Barry Bonds. So, shut up and watch your Steelers pre-season games and make your annual boastful Super Bowl predictions. There's a better than average chance that there's still at least one person in that locker room who's taking performance enhancing substances right now. But you probably could care less. As long as they win.

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