Monday, August 6, 2007

Monday afternoon email about skibbees

FF: I put my underwear on inside out today. I've now made this mistake three times this week . . . and I'm not even smoking.

Dave: I thought that's what the tag is for. They sure do help me.

FF: Yes, but when you wear skimpy little underwear like I do, and it takes a Masters degree just to figure out how to unravel the damn things once you pull them out of the over-stocked underwear drawer, and it's 7:45 in the morning, and the coffee hasn't kicked in, and you are over 30 . . . well, you get the point. I'm putting my underwear on backwards. It could be worse. I could be forgetting it all together.

Dave: Are they inside out or on backwards? I require clarification.

FF: Inside out. I've been putting them on inside out -- although I have put them on backwards before. Specifically, the Gap pairs, because they are tagless and the part that covers the p-hole is nearly the same size as the part that covers the a-hole, so you can see how easily that mistake can be made.

So many jokes. So. Many. Jokes.

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