Wednesday, November 9, 2011

DAVE: I think they are going to a lot of trouble to keep Paterno away from a microphone. I have told you that in recent years, he doesn't always sound good. I think everybody is afraid of what he would say or how he would sound if he speaks to the media. So, he will retire quietly and go away at the end of the season. If he speaks, he may say things that cause his immediate dismissal.

All of this has other implications. Penn State gets a ton of money from the Marcellus Shale people to do research into how drilling is not bad for us. The rumor is that Tom Ridge could be named the new President of Penn State. He's the state advocate for drilling. Fucked up.

JIM: Joe must go.

DAVE: He's going to. It's just a matter of when. President may be gone today. ESPN is now Penn State TV.

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